Metabolic Cooking Review -Lose Weight -Burn Calories and Enjoy the Taste!

Say Goodbye to Fad Diets!
The time for fad-dieting is over. Gone are the days where you would force yourself to eat nothing but a depressing sliver of cucumber or bland cube of cheese to curb your appetite.Metabolic Cooking is the way forward. Having studied this series of cookbooks from cover to cover I have found that this eating plan is doable, to say the least.
The secret to any good diet is finding a path of continuity. If the diet seems too challenging, chances are that you will only be able to continue on that particular path for a few weeks or months, at best.

Metabolic Cooking: What It Is and Who It Is For?
According to the authors, Metabolic Cooking is a series of cookbooks containing recipes which promote a high thermogenic effect. Essentially, this collection of over 250 recipes is intended to be a fat burning powerhouse of healthy, palatable meals rather than the sad, bland foods usually associated with dieting. Together with the Fat Loss Optimizer Guide, these books equip people with the healthy guide needed to make necessary lifestyle changes.
This set of books is ideal for people who spend several hours per week in the gym without seeing any noticeable results.
It is designed for people who keep trying to find weight loss loopholes without much success. It is, for all intents and purposes, the Holy Grail for people who want to make permanent dietary changes that will show results without sapping flavor and excitement from every meal.
Many people are unaware of the fact that certain ingredients contain what are known as “Metabolic Thermo Charges”. Basically, these fat busting super foods are able to harness the body’s own fat burning power. By cleverly combining these ingredients to create meals that are both tasty and nutritious, Metabolic Cooking promotes a lifestyle change that is easy to stick to.
Fighting the Good Fight: Beating the Metabolic Adaptation Phenomenon.
Most of us are unaware of the fact that we are, in point of fact, fighting two battles on our quest for the perfect goal weight. In addition to finding the correct, balanced, fat-burning diet, we are also battling what is known as the “Metabolic Adaptation Phenomenon”.
What this phenomenon refers to is the body’s rather frustrating penchant for learning what sort of food it is obtaining and adjusting accordingly. This is often the reason why fad dieting only works for a limited amount of time. For the first few weeks of dieting, your body finds itself in a state of shock, which is when the weight loss is at its best. After this point, fat reduction comes to a grinding halt simply because your body has become accustomed to the foods you are eating.
This range of Metabolic Cooking books prevents this phenomenon from taking hold. By varying the ingredients in each meal, this style of cooking ensures that your body does not get used to a particular set of meals. Instead, your body is surprised with fresh fat-burning ingredients every day.
Easy on the Eyes: Cookbook Recipes and Layout.
I was truly surprised by the attractive layout of these Metabolic Cooking books. Over the years, I have become accustomed to drab, dreary diet books with thoroughly uninspiring pictures and cluttered writing. In fact, I strongly suspect that more than a few diets have failed simply because I could not bear to look at the books long enough to absorb a single recipe.
With over 250 recipes, the authors needed to come up with a layout that is easy to skim through and attractive to look at. In order to do so they have removed any unnecessary mumbo-jumbo, diving straight into a simplified list of ingredients and straightforward instructions.
High resolution pictures make each dish stand out; making it clear that the authors want to inspire their readers to pursue a healthier lifestyle. Combined with a lively green color scheme, these pictures create a show-stopping recipe book that belongs in the big leagues.

Each recipe comes with its own calorie counter, as well as an overview of protein, carbohydrate, and fat content. I have found that this is a great way to monitor your food intake, making sure that you stick to the rules every step of the way. There is something almost comforting about seeing these figures clearly marked on a recipe page. It eliminates guesswork and overly complex calculations.
Read ’em and Weep (for Joy): Book Contents.
I like the fact that each book in the series is dedicated to a particular meal or food group. There are 9 sections dedicated to Breakfast, Chicken and Poultry, Fish and Seafood, Pork, Smoothies, Sides, Snacks, Red Meat, and Vegetarian. Each section varies in length, though there are over 20 recipes per section which is not to be sneered at. The authors of these books have gone to great lengths to ensure that no meal-time is neglected.
Across the board, these recipes outweigh the competition by an obscene amount. With the option to create delicious daily menus, including treats such as a pizza omelette for breakfast, TLT sandwich for lunch, and spicy peanut chicken for dinner, I found that there was no shortage of delectable soul food. From moreish curries and stews all the way through to sensational smoothies, these books truly do have it all.

Most dietary guides either neglect to include a snack section, or include snacks that are borderline inedible. The snack recipes included in the Metabolic Cooking range of books are remarkably delicious. The recipe for quick protein guacamole is one of my absolute favorites because, let’s face it, everyone loves a good guac. Another favorite would be the Mocha snack bites — a nibbly indulgence with a very grown-up hit of coffee.
The Downsides: Nothing is Perfect.
Pork and red meat are not always associated with successful weight loss plans, so I find myself wondering if these sections are entirely necessary. Of course, when combined with the correct thermogenic ingredients, almost any protein can become a fat burning powerhouse. When cooking up these slightly risky meals, it may be in your best interests to limit your other daily meals to a lower calorie count. A good diet is achieved through careful balance and planning. Small indulgences must always be balanced by small sacrifices at some other stage.
The other gripe I have is the fact that the authors seem to completely write off most nutritional supplements. I find it difficult to believe that taking vitamin and mineral supplements is a complete waste of time. Studies show that there are some supplements that are absolutely worth taking. Unfortunately, even the healthiest meal ingredients are lacking in their ability to provide optimum levels of vitamins and minerals — the natural state of our planet simply is not as marvelous as it used to be.
What About the Money? Cost vs Effectiveness.
When purchasing any range of dietary books it is worth considering the cost of the books in relation to how effective the new lifestyle plan will be. The 9-book set of Metabolic Cooking books is valued at $197 and comes with a range of added extras including a Fat Loss Optimizer Guide, Salad Builder, Seasoning Guide, Supplement Guide, and Cooking Quicksheets. According to the company website, this entire package is valued at $412. The regular price for this full lifestyle package is around $30, though there are frequent special offers worth taking advantage of.
Additionally, buyers can enjoy the benefits of a risk-free, money-back guarantee. If you are unhappy with the product, you will be refunded. So far, though, I have found this collection of fat burning goodies to be well worth the investment. All things considered, this entire package costs less than some of the more mainstream diet books available in stores.
In Conclusion: Take the Plunge.
Apart from the minor blip in supplement omissions, and one or two recipes that might need to be removed, I would not hesitate to recommend this set of books. The fact that these recipes are so flavorful is a good enough reason to sell out the small amount of cash needed. Dieting is difficult without some guidance and the fact that these Metabolic Cooking books make the process a little easier is all the convincing you should need.
Most diets fail because the meals involved are so painfully bland. These recipes are entirely different. When treated correctly healthy ingredients can be come just as delicious as their greasy counterparts, if not more so.
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